Maintenance and repair of forklifts

DPT Bảo trì xe nâng

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    We provide after-sales service for your equipment with the best service ...


    Your company will have an extensive inventory of parts and after-sales network throughout the country, fast response time with a team of mobile technicians. Also for our own fleet maintenance, our technician team is highly trained, so we are able to offer a very high price of parts, repairs and regular maintenance services. competition for forklifts, which can bring a new nuance to the customer's fleet.


    This type of contract provides periodic forklift maintenance to ensure that customer's equipment is in its best working condition, minimizes the risk of unexpected equipment damage and prolongs its service life. .

    We have three levels for periodic maintenance contracts.


    For those unexpected occurrences, or a one-time request. We guarantee to respond within 12 hours if customers request in the city area. Ho Chi Minh City, Bien Hoa, Binh Duong or 24 hours for other areas. Our engineers are fully trained to have a very high chance of getting the job done after one repair, which represents our more than 50% engineering team.